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I want to tell you about what happened to me on a hot July day. I.E.T.T. I was going to Akmerkez with one of your buses. The bus was quite crowded. People were almost traveling on top of each other. I was trying to get to the back.But what is possible..When I came to a place, I got stuck. I’m glad I stayed.. While I was not thinking at all, as a result of the bus oscillating right and left and going in and out of the pits, we started to have quite a lot of contact with the sweet lady in front of me. Tuesday. His back was turned to me. Dech is my favorite position among us. She was wearing a pink dress with a floral pattern with straps. The skirt part was quite short, baggy ** and pleated.. She had perfect hips. The harmony that the roundness of her hips creates in her baggy skirt could only be so perfect. They were long and straight, with light brown hair that hovered over her bare shoulders. And doesn’t it smell like that? It was enough to drive me crazy..Don’t get me wrong, actually, I’m not a fortsman or anything, but both the conditions of the environment we were in and the beauty of the girl blew my mind.As we made contact, ours was also an informal voluntary movement.
In a short time ** he had taken his place between the twin peaks. Dec. The more I rubbed, the more I rubbed. The contact of his soft thighs with my groin caused me to open up to the seas of pleasure. The fact that it’s someone I don’t know, the risk of causing disgrace by turning around at any moment (which he didn’t do, I wonder if he enjoyed it too?), the fact that I had not even seen his face had doubled the pleasure I had received by 3. Instead of lying around like animals, visiting December’s back door with sweet and delicate touches at short intervals was not enough for me. I started touching the back part with my torso as well. It was as if we had become one. The contact of our bodies with each other with short and rhythmic vibrations was one of the most erotic memories of my life. It ended at the Akmerkez stop, where we got off together. After landing, without even looking at his face, I walked away fast ** fast oradan…Ne I know, it felt to me like if I saw your face, the whole magic of the incident would be broken… I was ashamed of what I did, but I don’t regret it. Sometimes people really go astray…

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